My Message to Victims…


I can honestly tell whoever reads this that my life was a MESS…..

I had no self-esteem left and I had become totally blinded to the abuses that my children and I tolerated every day. Others saw what was happening, but I was verbally and emotionally beat down everyday and could not stand up for myself or my children… We were accustomed to this abusive life.

Then came the TEST…..(one of the first of many)

The other woman… You know the old saying, “having their cake and eating it too.” I think he would have been wanted to keep me and his children in our abusive environment and playing with someone else on the side. But God gave me the strength to finally for the first time in my life to stand up to him (shaky and barely standing, but still standing) and out he went…

Then came the TRIAL… (again, one of many)

More anger, more abuse, more violence…  I saw how an abusive person becomes even more abusive when they are losing control… Crazy stuff… Death threats.. yes, legal battles… perceived and upcoming trials… It was not easy!!  But through these trials, my children’s eyes were opened to the abuse and the courts gave me sole custody.

Then a VICTIM no more.… (finally)

It took the legal system, the counselors for my children, separate counselors for me, and many, many people praying for me and my children before we were able to realize that we had overcome our situations. We were given a new life. We had a peace in our home that we never had before.

So you see, many people look at that picture as just having a cute saying…but I can tell you that it is more than that!

I can tell you that God turned my MESS into a MESSAGE… my TEST into a TESTIMONY… my TRIALS  into a TRIUMPH…  and my children and I from VICTIMS, into VICTORIOUS… 

I can not tell you that it was easy, but I can tell you that God showed up when we needed Him and did show us miracles. I can also tell you that my children and I totally TRUST Him with our lives because He has shown us His Hand of protection over us. And I can tell you as a mother, there’s no better Guardian for your children because He can watch over them 24/7 when you can’t… What He did for me, He can do for others…

16 thoughts on “My Message to Victims…

  1. I’m not a terribly religious person, but do believe in God. It seems God was always looking out for me one way or another. I’m so glad you are free. I’m about 5 years free of an abusive relationship as well. It in some ways is comforting to hear someone else echo the very things I’ve expressed, simply to reaffirm I wasn’t as crazy as I felt. Stay strong.

    • No, we are not crazy.. That is just how abusers get control over us. And it is amazing that most of us don’t realize that God is looking out for us until something happens and then we see Him move in our favor. I thank God for saving me and you… Abuse is never acceptable. Unfortunately, there are still many of us who have not gotten out of their abusive situations. Hopefully those of us who have gotten out can encourage others to get out too… Blessings to you!!

  2. Thank you Angel, for opening up your life to us. My story reads the same. My ex was unfaithful as well – with my ‘so called’ best friend. Double betrayal – it was a ‘blast’! But like you say, God is good, and I no longer cast my pearls before swine. I’ve been free from abuse for about 8 years now, thank you Jesus!

    You will give many hope to “exit stage left.”..

    • Yep.. best friends.. wonder how many times that happens. We don’t recognize the abuse that we live under but then we are faced with adultery and have to make a decision to accept or not…..NOT!!
      Thank you sis for your support!!

      • Lol, yep, that was a deal breaker…especially when he didn’t want to admit it was wrong, or change…oh well, as someone one told me, “Love them enough to let them be fully responsible for their own behavior.”

      • Check out betrayedbyakiss’s comment about adultery. I had never heard it but suspected it. God allows everyone to make a choice and He is there to rescue those who will turn to Him in their brokenness… It would be interesting to know what many withstand years of abuse only to draw the line at adultery, especially with no remorse… Our stories are so similar… amazing!

  3. This was great! I am glad you posted it tonight. I’ve seen the words before, but this time I am going to live the words! Thank you for this shot of strength tonight. Blessings. Your story is inspiring

    • Thank you for the encouragement.. I needed it too today! God has a way of always working things out for us. And there is a big difference in what I call “head knowledge” and “heart knowledge”.. Those words did not stop at your head this time…they hit your heart tonight as God touched you. Now you can march forward knowing that “you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” Our strength comes from Him, not ourselves or any other, God has a plan for you…He sent you a Message tonight so you stand strong in Him. He will answer as you seek Him and He will guide your path as you submit to Him.. That’s why He has me doing this blog… Many blessings to you!!

      • I have to keep reminding myself “that I am a new creation in Christ. the old has passed away and the new has come.” When I stand strong on that I can do all things through Him. Thank you, I look forward to God continuing to talk to me through your blog 🙂

      • Thank you for following and encouraging me. I try to write everyday the words and thoughts that God gives me. I know that He always has a plan for each of us…and it is much better than our pasts…You may want to check out some of my older posts… God will direct you to those He wants you to read… Blessings again, my sister in Christ!

      • I think you are doing a wonderful job following God’s plan for you. I will check out some of your older posts…I look forward to it! Blessings

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