“Award Free Blog”

I really appreciate the many who have nominated me for awards.  Your kindness and

thoughtfulness are greatly appreciated. However, I feel that I am to be an “Award Free Blog”

as I walk this path that the Lord has placed me on and guides me daily.

I really appreciate your comments as they encourage and inspire me to continue

to express the thoughts, feelings, and words that I receive.

I pray that God blesses each of you…

Secret Angel

91 thoughts on ““Award Free Blog”

  1. I feel exactly like you about blog awards. Like you, I appreciate the comments, “likes” and kind words my readers share with me. I have been nominated for several awards, but don’t pursue or accept them. I pray about my blogs, but I don’t write them. God does. I give Him all the praise and glory for every blog post. I’m just a vessel. I don’t write my blog posts for my personal recognition. As my blog title suggests, “For His Glory”, everything is about Him and the honor and praise due Him. It has nothing to do with me. I believe I am merely using the writing gifts HE gave me to give Him glory. I have never told my readers that, but reading your post here has encouraged me to follow suit and make sure my readers understand my commitment. Thank you for inspiring me.

    • Oh my God!! Now you have me crying! That is exactly how I feel. I am just His vessel. I want no recognition. I remain “secret” and hidden in Him. As I or I should say “We” wrote my book, The Walking Wounded, He woke me up at 4:52 one morning and gave me Psalm 45:2, “My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” I knew that He was giving me the words then and that remains today. I try to walk in obedience for it is “ALL ABOUT HIM”. Thank you so much for your encouraging words and warm welcome. May God bless you exceedingly and abundantly…

      • This is a God thing. I met a young mother of four kids, all under 12 a few years ago. The same thing happened to her. God woke her in the middle of the night and told her He wanted her to write a book. I helped her edit her first book, “You Can Have A Happy Family.” And she wasn’t a writer. Never written. It is now selling and she has written a second book now in publication on Amazon. He gave her the words to write as well. I had the privilege of meeting her and her wonderfully warm and easy-going husband and their four children last summer. We are all now good friends. What a blessing it was to meet her and get to know her and Jay. Do we serve an awesome God or what? Praise God!

      • Yes.. All of this is so God!! I was not a writer either but He told me to write the book and has led me down this path. My first book will be released soon and He has already given me a major portion of the second book. I am currently living out that book and waiting on the fulfillment of His promises to me.. We do serve an awesome God… Thank you so much for your support! Praise the Lord, our Savior and Redeemer!

      • Great… I was already following Jeanine and love her site. I will check out Amanda Beth’s also. Thank you so much for your help. I am learning everyday and really appreciate your guidance. Blessings.

  2. A girl after my own heart. I started to receive award nominations and my spirit would just cringe. I politely replied to folk saying thank you but no thank you and then tried writing something similar to this but could never find the right words. Well done you!
    Encouragement is one thing but we need to be careful as it can so easily slip into seeking the praise of men…I think better to steer completely clear of it myself.
    God Bless 🙂

    • Thank you for understanding. I felt the same with the award nominations that I received but would graciously decline. I write as God leads so how can I take credit for words that He gives me… To Him be the Glory!! All praise and honor is His… Many blessings to you. I actually love how you wrote your disclaimer and copyright and wondered if I could use similar wording to improve mine.. I really appreciate your support!!

      • LOL…Sure…. That’s great. Thank you. We are all here to help each other. I just started this summer so am still on a major leaning curve…so much to learn about blog world. Thanks and many blessing to you.

  3. Hi Secret Angel and fellow commenters,
    I was on your blog secret angel to see what it was al about, and scanning I came to this page. I love to see fellow Christ believers on here, writing from God’s lead. God bless you all and your family.

    • Thank you so much again. I am only God’s humble servant. I do not want to take credit for the words that He gives me as He touches hearts…for it is not my words that touch them, but His Presence. Thanks again for your supportive comments. I look forward to following you as well, my friend.

  4. Well stated, secret angel. I never want high praise or awards. Before I write any blogs, I ask myself these questions: Am I serving myself or am I serving Him? Am I serving others to glorify myself or am I serving to glorify Him? If it is hollowed work without Him, then all I do is meaningless. It is worse than everyone else; I am a hypocrite. As His instrument, I strive to speak for the 65 million people who are seen as a stigma and stereotype. Many feel isolated and abandoned. It is important to share HOPE- Holding On Peace Exists. I pray He continues to use you as a voice for the walking wounded. Thank you for sharing your blog!

    • Thank you so much for your heartfelt words. Yes, we have to share HOPE for so many feel hopeless. We have to share His LIGHT to those who remain in darkness. I thank God that He is using us as His vessels to pour out to others in need. Thank you so much for your prayers and I pray blessings over your life as well as we both write to glorify Him and help others who are voiceless and faceless whether through illness or abuse… Thanks again for all you do!

  5. I hold the same sentiments. I feel those awards more times than not manifest a disingenuous approach to the the whole “Award thing”. 🙂

  6. LIKES and Awards do uplift to write more. they encourage us to share our feelings with unseen friends around the world and thats what we expext and wish to get:) cheers and love. Happy Sunday:)

    • Kimberly… thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and kindness. I am truly humbled and honored by this gift. I really appreciate it and hope you understand why I am an awards free blog…I thank God for giving me the words to say and thank Him for friends and supporters like you who encourage me every day to keep writing as God leads me. Many thanks and many blessings to you my friend…

  7. I just read this right after I finished nominating you for a blog of the year award. I do respect your opinion, and even though your blog is award-free, I hope you look at the nomination as my way of saying I appreciate and love your work. I hope many people get to read the amazing posts you write because they are a real inspiration. 🙂
    I know you won’t be accepting the nomination, but in case you want to check the nominations out, that’s the link. http://alygeorges.wordpress.com/2013/12/06/blog-of-the-year-award-2013/

    • Wow! Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity in nominating me for this amazing award. I am honored and deeply humbled by your nomination. I really appreciate it and hope that you understand why I have decided to be “award free.” I will share with you what God told me at 4:51 one morning as I was writing The Walking Wounded…

      “My Tongue is the Pen of a ready writer.” Psalm 45:1

      So you see, I am only His vessel who writes His Words. I can not personally take credit for His Work. I thank God for you and all who He leads to my blog and praise Him that He is the One who touches hearts with His Divine Inspiration.
      Many, many thanks and blessings to you my sweet friend!!! 🙂

      • I do understand why you can’t accept the award, and I think that’s a really noble gesture. It’s God who gives us the strength to write the ideas He’s inspired in us. So I agree with you, we are His vessels. Thank you for your inspiration. God bless you loads. 🙂

      • Thanks again, my sweet friend. I have been totally “blown away” by your nomination and I pray that God will bless you exceedingly and abundantly for your kindness towards me… 🙂

  8. Pingback: The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award… | kingspeech

    • I am deeply honored and humbled by your nomination. I thank you for your kindness and encouraging words of support. However, I have chosen to remain an “award free blog”. I have not felt that I can take credit for words that God leads me to write. I deeply appreciate your nomination but humbly decline. I pray that God will bless you exceedingly and abundantly for your kindness towards me. Many blessings to you!!

  9. Wow. I love your cause! Having no awards really is an inspiration to me and I plan to follow suit if you don’t mind. God is using you!!!!! God bless!


    • Wow to you, Logan!! Amazing what you are doing! You are an inspiration to many as you walk in faith and boldness to reach out to the youth of this world. Thank you for liking my post and feel free to use it. I have never felt that I could take credit for the words that God gives me. I am only His vessel. My new friend, you are also His vessel to reach out to youth. I pray for you and your ministry and that we may be joined together to help the broken and to reach those before they are broken. May God bless you, my friend!!

  10. I nominated you for my shout out award! Your blog is awesome and deserved the recognition, so go here to get your award http://onesahmscrazylife.wordpress.com/2014/01/23/its-that-time-again-but-a-little-better-this-go-around/

    It’s different than those other awards… I know, I made it 🙂 I was so tired of all of those rules and typing and hours spent on ONE freaking post! So, my rules are simple. Display the badge, tag that it’s my award(It’s hard work making one of those little things) and tag a few blogs you like so I can check them out. But you don’t have to display it or anything.. I don’t mind 🙂 Just know that I love your blog!

  11. I have “accidentally” nominated you for the Shauny Award – then I went on your page to tell you, and found that you don’t wish to participate in these. I read your posts in my reader, so now I feel silly for linking to your blog in my award nominations post. Please accept my apologies! If you want me to remove your blog name from my awards post, I definitely will. Again, so sorry!

    • Thank you so much. Please do not be sorry. It is still an honor and I deeply appreciate it. I have chosen to be an award-free blog because I have not felt that I can take credit for the words that God gives me as He leads me down this path since last year. So I truly appreciate your nomination and kindness for nominating me but will humbly decline. It is truly a blessing just to know that my blog is touching people. Thanks again and many, many blessings to you, my friend.

    • Thank you so much AnnaRose! I really, deeply appreciate your nomination for these awards. It is truly a blessings to know that you like my blog. However, I have felt that I am to remain “award free” so I will humbly decline with heart-felt thanks. I have never felt that I can take the credit for the words that God gives me as I humbly walk this path that He has placed me on since last year. Your kindness and generosity is deeply appreciated as just the nomination even brings attention to God as I write for Him. Many thanks to you and may God pour out His blessings upon you!!

    • Thank you so much for the nomination. It is truly a blessings to know that my blog is acknowledged and appreciated. I pray that God will use it to touch lives. I deeply appreciate your nomination. However, I humbly choose to remain “award free” for I have felt that I can not take credit for the words that God gives me to share. Thank you so much for your kindness! May God pour out His blessings upon you for the blessing that you are to me… May He continue to use each of us as we reach out to help others who have been abused.

  12. God Bless! Good just set me on this journey as well. He gave me the name and I couldn’t believe no one had taken the domain, twitter or facebook page yet. He had saved it all these years for me to come and have the faith and strength to put my trials and victories on digital pages. I am doing this so if even one child of God is saved it was all worth it. God bless your ministry, it is one close to my heart as a formerly abused person.

    • Thank you so much. God also gave me the name of my blog as He lead me to start it after He told me to write my book. I had to look up the meaning of “Expose’ ” to make sure that it was accurate to use. God is so good! Thank you for the blessings for my ministry. I just try to walk in obedience because I owe God my life. He rescued me when I did not know that I needed it and I know that He wants to rescue many more. He is raising an army and you are enlisted, my sister! Many blessings to you!!

  13. Hello there sweet girl! Long time… I have been on break (still am) wondering if it’s possible to get in touch with you. I have a question and you along with one other person came to mind. Best way to reach you?

    • I just saw that you were taking a “rest”. That is a good place to be… Soaking in His Presence… Feel free to email me any time. God bless you, my sister…

      • Awww! thank you so much. What a blessing you are! I will certainly send you an email and when you receive my email, please feel free to delete your email address from your comment if you wish.

        I’m running right now, but I’ll send you an email tomorrow. Thank you again for the quick reply!


    • Many thanks for the nomination however I will remain an award free blog. I can not take credit for the words that the Lord gives me. It’s all about Him, not me. Many blessings to you, my friend. May god pour out His blessings upon you. 🙂

    • Thanks Michelle. I understand that many have trouble believing but I know that God patiently waits. I pray that God will open your heart to receive Christ and receive the “freedom” that can only come from Him. May He pour out His blessings upon you!!

  14. Happy to see that we have this in common. Just came across a blog that mentioned you and i have always felt same way. You can view that on my bog welcome note.

    All to His glory. Peace be unto you

    • Hi ServingJesushere!! I read part of your blog and seems that we have a lot more in common. God is so good!! He has rescued both of us from abuse. I owe Him my life and can’t take any credit… He gets all the Glory!! God bless you, my sister!!

    • Anna Rose, I can never thank you enough for your encouraging words and all of your support. I really appreciate it but I still feel that I am not to take credit for the words that are written. I thank God for the words that He gives me and the hearts that He touches. It’s all about Him. Thanks again and many, many blessings to you, my sweet sister!

  15. Thank you for stopping by to read and follow Hope For Today! I really enjoy reading your blog and know that it is helpful and inspirataional to others. It offers Hope!

  16. Hi sweetness. I hadn’t read this page until after I nominated you for an award – the ‘Once a Victim, Now a Survivor’ award. I can truly appreciate your perspective and your desire for all glory to go to God. So…just know that I appreciate the monumental effort that goes into your writings and your ministry. You are blessed to be a blessing indeed. Love and light. Melinda

    • Awe… Your sweet, kind words are so greatly appreciated. I really appreciate the nomination but have to continue to give the credit to God. I was so broken and could not see through the millions of tears… and God took me by His Hand and lead me out of the darkness. I know that He will do that for many more as we pray and intercede for victims. Many, many blessings to you!

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