About Secret Angel

The Abuse Expose’ with Secret Angel is being written to reach out to victims of abuse as well as to provide some education to the general public about abuse. As a former victim, Secret Angel represents the many nameless and faceless victims of abuse. No one can understand that feeling of being trapped and that feeling of hopelessness–unless they have lived it. Many people can not understand how this can happen, but rest assured, victims never choose to be abused. They never want to be victims. They never want to live in fear. Hopefully, through this blog, more people will be able to understand more about abuse and its victims…. as well as God’s saving grace and mercy.

As an overcomer of abuse and domestic violence, Secret Angel is reaching out to help others to also overcome their situations with information and inspiration to see THE LIGHT that led her out of darkness. God rescued her from abuse when she was so broken that she did not even know that she was being abused, and she wants to help others.

Secret Angel Ministry has been founded to reach out to these victims and includes a vision to one day in the future be able to provide Secret Angel Safe Houses for those in immediate safety needs and also Secret Angel Transitional Houses for those who want to have their lives entirely transformed by the Grace of God.THE WALKING WOUNDED: The Path from Brokenness to Wholeness

Secret Angel’s book, The Walking Wounded, talks about how abuse happens and how victims become trapped in their situations. It brings understanding to the plight of victims as Secret Angel reveals her own true story, including how God intervened in her life and rescued her… The Walking Wounded has been released with a plan for the majority of proceeds to go into ministries that help victims of abuse. Secret Angel has pledged these proceeds to help other victims for what God has done for her, He can and will do for many more victims of abuse.

Secret Angel Ministry’s website is


The Walking Wounded: The Path from Brokenness to Wholeness by Secret Angel  is currently available on it’s website: http://www.thewalkingwounded.us/ and on Amazon.com.

The second book, The Walking Wounded Participant’s Manual, is also available through the website and on Amazon.com for group study with The Walking Wounded.



810 thoughts on “About Secret Angel

  1. Such an important mission you have undertaken. Abuse is far more prevalent than any of us could imagine.
    Thank you for turning your demons into Angels. Takes a lot of courage and strength.

    • I am so glad that you are speaking out. I have also experienced that abuse and it is devastating. I believe that God is raising up His army to fight abuse and that includes workplace abuse. Welcome to His army, my friend.

  2. Hello! Thank you for liking one of my blog posts! Although I won’t be following your blog I did look around on it enough to know yours is serious subject matter and that you undoubtedly help many people. Good for you! Good for them! 🙂

  3. Thank you for your like of my post, “A Conversation About Worship.” You are always a blessing to me.

  4. Love your blog its so good!!
    I just wondered if you could help me?
    I Wondered how you do the second drop down, For instance after your about, you have a second drop down that says about the award winning blog and the copyright, Ive been trying to work out how to do it?
    I can see you have an award winning blog its great, Keep up the hard work you are blessing a lot of people,
    Well done you

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words. Actually, it is an “award free” blog. I have refused all award nominations. How can I take credit for words that I feel that God leads me to use. It’s all about Him, my new friend. We serve an awesome God!!!
      Regarding the drop downs, I had someone help me with them and I don’t know how he did but but I will ask. I will let you know when I find out. Thanks for your support and may God pour out His blessings upon you!

      • Thats ok bless you,
        Ah thank you for your help,
        Yes you can see it is God’s word it is a real blessing.


  5. This amazing gift of helping others in need, this amazing love and generosity i found on your blog…you were blessed with the power of healing and you touch so many hearts. Thank you for the important work you’re doing with this blog and for being a real support for the victims of abuse. And i know (oh, i know it too well) how much it matters for someone who feels helpless to listen (or to read) a simple “i care” and “i’m here”…
    I also wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and for liking one of my posts, i’m honored. My sincere admiration for you and may God keep your good heart in peace and love!

    • Awe…Thank you so much Carissa! Your words touched my heart. I praise God for the words that He gives me and the hearts that He touches. it’s all about Him, my friend. So many of us have suffered abuse and God is bringing together an army of overcomers to help other victims of abuse to overcome. He is the Key and I pray that many more will come to know that. Thanks again and many blessings to you! 🙂

  6. Hi – I just wanted to thank you for “liking” chapter four of my book “That Comeback Season”. I’m so happy that you found me. I hope you will like the chapters to come as well. Thanks again,

    John Garner
    That Comeback Season

  7. Excellent blog, God Bless your ministry. May you reach wounded hearts all around the world with the healing power of the love of Jesus! Thank you for being an advocate to the broken.

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I join you in prayer for all victims of abuse around the world. That they will see the Light that will lead them out of darkness. May God bless you, my friend.

  8. God bless you and your ministry outreach here! And, thank you for stopping by my blog as well. As those of us that God has brought THROUGH circumstances that caused deep wounding, boldly begin to share – then lives are changed – hearts transformed – the ugly ducklings can become beautiful swans – all because of Christ and the Healing and Hope only He can bring!

    • Amen!! He is the Key!! I am so glad that you commented and I looked farther into your blog. Love it!! We serve an awesome God, my sister!! What God has done for us, He can and will be for many more!! I pray that many more will open their hearts to receive His Love and unending grace and mercy! May God pour out His blessings upon you, my sister!!

  9. Hello, Secret Angel, Thank you for liking “From Confusion to Clarity” on healingforhearts. This, my third blog is dedicated to encouraging people who have been through trauma and abuse and are healing. My bent is distinctively Christian: Jesus is the Healer.

    • Amen!! Yes, He is. He is the Key to overcoming. Thanks for your support and many blessings to you, Hannah! I pray that God will use you in a mighty way to touch hearts and turn them to Him.

  10. Pingback: These Shocking Photos Show The Scars You Can’t Normally See. And They’re Horrifying. | Something to Stu (stew) Over

    • Mandy, thanks for letting me know. I did not think it was possible to lose your blog so thanks for sharing that. I guess we should copy all of our postings… I will be following you, my sister!! God bless you!

      • Blogs aren’t easy to lose unless you’re me- a technology challenged person. But I’m looking at it as a sign of moving on to something new. Hope I’ll not bungle things too badly figuring it out 🙂 thank you for following again!

    • Wow… I am so greatly humbled by your loving words of support here and on the other link. We serve an amazing God! His promises are all True. I have seen His Hand of protection and provision in my life and what He has done for me, I know that He can and will do for many more. I know that He is the Key to overcoming all in this world and I want many more to come to intimately know Him. Thank you so much for your support and joining me in prayer for all of His children around the world. Many blessings to you!!!

    • The tears have just flowed as I read your words, Zoey! I had just read a quote today about God’s gift to us that I was going to use in a posting…

      “What you are is God’s gift to you…
      What you become is your gift to God.”

      I am deeply humbled and immensely thankful to God for what He has done for me and have submitted my life for Him to use as His vessel. I thank you for your encouraging words as I pray that all that He has put in my heart will come to pass to bless all of His children. You are a blessing to me, my sweet sister!!

      • You are so right, my sister. No coincidences… We serve such an AWE–some God! And yes. He is making divine appointments around the world. You are truly a blessing to all who come in contact with you, Zoey! May God pour out His blessings upon you!

  11. Thank you for liking my story! It’s very encouraging. You are doing some fantastic work, may God allow you to continue and bring people out of suffering into peace and healing. Best Amy.

  12. Awesome blog! But—-Even more awesome ministry! This ministry is definitely ordained of the Lord and empowered by the Holy Spirit! The Bible tells us that from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. I like to paraphrase that a little for online ministry and especially blogs, that from the abundance of the heart, the hand writes!
    It didn’t take long to tell from the writing that some one is passionate, dedicated, inspired, encouraging, surrendered to the Lord and thereby willing to, by their actions, LOVE like God our Father!
    I love the poetry and it seems this morning that has been a theme since so many with sites filled with poetry have checked out my new blog! Because you stopped by I want to thank you for this ministry is so very sadly needed in this day and age we live. It always amazes me how a creation of God’s (especially with free will) will CHOOSE the things they do against one another!
    But, Christ Jesus told us, warned, informed us that the student is NOT greater than the teacher or the servant greater than the Master and if we surrender to Him, then we can expect like treatment from others. Again, sad, but then that is why the Holy Spirit equips and gifts those like you to deal with the tragedy that comes from ALL forms of abuse.
    I so look forward to coming back as time permits (I also have to do the Lord’s work) and reading more and checking out all the things that our Lord is doing through willing vessels such as yourself. Did I tell you I love poetry?!! Yeah, I know, but it truly is one of my few guilty pleasures!
    I also, found your Facebook page and put a like in it and will definitely gets some invites out to friends and family so they can also spread the word about your ministry! My blog is only about three weeks old, but I will definitely put your link on my Links Page as well as the link to your other Ministry site!
    So, until I can come back and read some more, I will be praying for your ministry and all who come to you for advice, help, etc and also that the Lord will continue to bless you and yours greatly and more so as you continue to serve (minister) the Lord and all whom the Holy Spirit leads your way!! Again, God bless!!

    • Thank you so much, Pastor Ledoux, for your encouraging words of support. I thank God for the words that He gives me and the hearts that He touches through my blog. I give Him all the credit for I am just His vessel. He rescued me in my brokenness and I know that He can and will rescue many more from abuse and brokenness. So, I submit my life to His Will and just walk in obedience as He leads. We serve an awesome God, my brother!! I pray that many more will come to realize that He is the Key to overcoming anything that this world throws at us. May God pour out His blessings upon you!!

  13. Hi, Just wanted to take a minute and thank you for your visits to my blog. Your ministry/heart for the abused is amazing. May God continue to bless you and keep you.

  14. Thank you, for reading my blog post. I want to say that your blog is so important and necessary and that I honor and respect all that you and your ministry’s doing. I plan to get your book the title alone is very interesting. Keep up the great work you are doing to help others and I am glad you found healing from your past pain.

    • Cheryl, thank you so much for your encouraging words. I also appreciate that you will get one of my books. I would love for you to write a review on your blog and on Amazon.com. I know that what God has done for me and He can and will do for many more victims of abuse. God bless you!!

  15. May you continued to be blessed, as you are truly a blessing to others. I am in AWE at the works you are doing and how you turned your past hurts in to love for others. God Bless you!

    • Awe… You are so sweet!! God is so good. As you read my story, you will see how God has let me feel the wounds of abuse to the depths of our souls and feel His love for the broken. It is truly not about me… It’s all about Him. May He pour out His blessings upon you!!

  16. I know you are blog free but I included your blog name on my post in order to share your site with my readers.

    Here is the copy pasted note that I have been sending to everyone else

    Hi ! I have selected you for the Sunshine Blogger Award. If you choose to accept please see my post at the link below…

    I realize these awards are time consuming so I do not want anyone to feel obligated. You can copy and paste the badge from the post if you decide to participate,

    Just know that I thought of you. Have a peaceful day,

    Much love,
    Annie ❤

    • Annie, thank you so much for the nomination. Your support for me and our ministry is greatly appreciated. However, I can not take the credit for anything that I write. I have to give credit to God for every word and continually praise Him for what He has done for me and my children. Again, many thanks and many blessings to you.

    • Thank you so much for the nomination but sorry for the delay in responding. I have not been available to do much blogging lately with my schedule. I really appreciate the support for our ministry but humbly decline. Thanks again and many blessings to you, my brother and sister!!

  17. Hi Secretangel! I just want to thank you for always visiting my blog and had to stop by and see what was going on with your blog. I really like what you have going on here. I pray that you continue to be inspired to right more about what you are passionate about and just wanted to give a shout out and send some blessings your way.

    God Bless,

    • Awe… So good to hear from you Sherline. Your blog is always an inspiration to me. God is so good to touch lives with the words that He give us. You are a blessing to all! God bless you, my sister!

  18. So glad that you were able to break free! Prayers of blessings to you as you minister to others who are hurting!
    I had goosebumps as I saw how you put LIGHT in bold letters. I had just read your sunglasses poem as well and felt the goosebumps as I read about the Light!
    I have felt God give me that word to bring me hope and just today I was going through the concordance looking up the word light in scripture.
    Thanks for letting your Light shine to others 😉

    • Hi Joy! It is no coincidence that you felt “goosebumps” as you read it. God speaks to us in so many ways, even in goosebumps! I would love for you to read my book, The Walking Wounded. What God did for me and my children, He can and will do for many more who call on Him in their brokenness. I will keep praying for you. God is already with you… just trust Him. Please email me if you would like. God bless you!

  19. Dear Secret Angel. One of my good friends is a victim of home violence… I just got off the phone with her and I’m trying to find a way to help her in any way I can. She is currently in the process of a divorce. Her husband used to beat her and abuse her psychologically. Because of that, he was even put in prison. At this moment, he threatens my friend to win custody over their 3 year old child and leave my friend on the street with nothing. She spent her last money on lawyers, got a lot of credit from the banks and personal loans to be able to pay for the court. She doesn’t want to give up… I gave her the resources that you have on your site, but I’m trying to find any organization that could help her financially. Please let me know if you could advise anything. I would appreciate that so much. Thank you and God bless you. Olga Victoria

    • Dearest Olga!! I am so sorry to hear that your friend is going through such trials and tribulations. I can tell you from experience that “fear” is a tactic of the enemy. Abusers always use threats like these (my ex did too) but your friend should not have to worry about a judge taking custody away from her and giving it to someone with a record of domestic violence… especially if he went to prison for it. I know that lawyers are expensive and these legal battles are costly but every state is different in the services that are available. I encourage her to go to her local domestic violence shelter and report any threats!!! She is still being psychologically abused and she can get counseling for free through these agencies as well as legal advice. Any counseling for the fear that she is experiencing from these threats can also be used in a court of law. Counselors are awesome advocates for the victims, whether adult or children. There are justice centers being developed in most states that have all the services available under one roof. Have her tap into all local services and statewide resources that are available. Her state’s Coalition Against Domestic Violence may be able to give her advice too. Have her get all legal records from the past which should be public record. There may be more that she does not know about him. Anything that she can do to get records together will save her money… like bank records, police reports, court records. The best defense is usually a good offence. And please tell her that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. God is our vindicator. He is our Righteous Judge. Bring her pleas to Him and trust Him with her life. He loves the broken and rescuses those who are crushed in spirit… and she fits this criteria. We all have to trust Him with our lives. I pray Psalm 91 over her and her child for protection and provision. Please email me if you need to. I will keep praying for her!
      Much love to you, my sister!!

    • Hi Eri!! Thank you so much for the encouraging words. I just looked at your blog too and it is awesome. Hope you don’t mind that I already reblogged one of your postings. God bless you!!

      • Hi! Your welcome ! I appreciate you taking the time to look at my blog. Thank you so much, I don’t mind. Hope you have a great week!

  20. Pingback: Mystery Blogger Award 5.18.18 – gaillovesgod

    • Thank you so much for the nomination! Your support is greatly appreciated. However, I choose to remain “Award-free”. God is so awesome in what He leads me to write, so to Him be all the glory and honor. God bless you!!

    • Thank you so very much. I am truly honored… but I have to decline. I will continue to be an “Award free blog” and just continue for God to continue to give me the words that He wants me to share. Thank you again. You are a blessing! God bless you!!

      • Praise God! It’s yours no matter what you do with it! It was just a way God allowed me to share with you that your blog and you are appreciated. God is good to have so many souls passionate for Him on WordPress. I am blessed to have yet another friend in Christ! God loves you!

      • Yes, I agree with you, my sister!! God is using so many to spread His messages across the internet. His army of believers is building and getting more bold to share His Word. Many, many blessings to you!!

      • I appreciate what you have given through your book as I too want this needless abuse to STOP!
        I paid to have my book,; Songs from my Soul published in July 2013.
        100 percent fo my royalties have gone to the Marjaree Mason Center here in Fresno, CA
        It is available on Amazon.com
        Gratitude and blessings,

  21. Wow! This is a wonderful site. I am a male victim of Domestic Violence, going through recovery. I’m also running a political campaign to raise awareness. – Can I hyperlink to you from my own site at knotaman.com ?

    • Hi Knot Aman. So sorry that you have been a victim of abuse. No one should be abused! Unfortunately, abuse comes in all forms and from all sorts of people, both men and women and all socioeconomic levels. Now most of what I write is from the female prospective because that is my reference point as a female. But, I can tell you that God once told me that my ex husband was abusive to me because that is the way that he was treated. The abusers was once the victims… So the cycle of abuse continues from both male and female genders. Again, sorry that you have been abused. I would love for you to read my book, realizing that it is from my perspective as a female victim but it addresses all victims. And show just how awesome a Heavenly Father we all have who rescues us when we don’t even realize that we need rescuing. God bless you!!

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