Have You Been Scared?

Have you been scared…
or have you felt broken?
From someone’s actions…
or angry words spoken?
Have you lived in fear…
that an abuse will repeat?
Have you responded in tears…
with feelings of defeat?
Have you struggled to continue…
when hidden triggers still come.
When you think you’re better…
with all triggers overcome.
But these triggers just reveal…
that more wounds still exist.
From abuses in our past…
and the peace that we’ve missed.
But God will bring comfort…
and peace in our storm.
And as we learn to seek Him…
His Peace will become norm.
So when you can’t continue…
and don’t know what to do.
Just call out Jesus’ Name…
and let Him bring Peace to you.

© Secret Angel and The Abuse Expose’ with Secret Angel,  2014.


25 thoughts on “Have You Been Scared?

  1. I read all of your post Secret Angel. A male survivor of emotional abuse and betrayal. And they all help me overcome. Thank you.

    • Thank you so much for your comment. I know that most of my postings speak of “man or men” being abusers. But in some cases, I am talking about “man” as human beings. I relate in many to my own personal experiences from the abusive men in my life. However, I have also experienced abusive women. I am so sorry that this has happened to you. Yes, many women are abusive and deceptive. The statistics show more women as victims but I know that the statistics are not accurate for either men or women, with even fewer men reporting abuse. I know the wounds of emotional abuse and betrayal. Both are destructive. I pray for healing and restoration for you my friend. I pray that God will raise up men to speak out about abuse like He is raising up the female victims. The cycle of abuse has to be broken. Thanks again and God bless you!

  2. Sometimes I think the aftermath of abuse is more painful than the abuse itself. The fear, the trauma, the shame, the deep realization that nothing will ever be the same again. But it is also a time, like you often emphasize, of being cocooned, sheltered under God’s wing, almost returned to a fetal state. It’s a time of being re-created until we are ready to emerge, more beautifully glorious than we were to start with, more like the One whose image we were created to reflect.

    • Wow… Perfectly spoken. Can I quote you on a post one day. You described the lives of many victims, including myself, as we seek shelter under His wing. So many times, I want to run back to my cocoon where I was safe with God… but as we emerge, God will continue to strengthen us as we answer His call for our lives… to help other victims to find that Light that lead us out of the darkness. You are such a blessing my sister! Thank you so much for your encouraging words.

    • Hi Men of One Accord! I have to tell you that every time I look at your testimony, it brings tears to my eyes. God is so good!! You have powerful testimony and God has awesome plans for you. You are a blessing, my friend.

  3. Pingback: Have You Been Scared? | Madison Elizabeth Baylis

    • Hi Traciie. I understand. I am been there before too. Too many do not understand that fear unless we have also lived it. Praying for you! Thanks for reblogging my posting.

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