Seeds of Brokenness

Seeds of brokenness…
get implanted in our hearts.
And all it takes is a trigger…
for the growth of these to start.
For the seed of rejection…
gets planted with abuse and divorce…
and it’s difficult to get rid of…
mixed together with pain and remorse.
And the seed of abandonment…
gets implanted as a child…
and it may stay dormant…
with no growth for a while.
And the seed of bitterness…
grows into a big huge root….
but unless it’s dealt with…
it will not stay mute.
For all the negative seeds…
will get watered one day…
then grow into bigger problems…
where hidden they will not stay.
For bitterness, anger,
resentment and more…
may all lie dormant…
within our hearts where stored.
Then all the pain and hurt…
with the dormant brokenness seeds…
will one day be watered and grow…
unless we identify and weed.


Dear Lord, only You see the seeds of brokenness embedded deep within our hearts. You see the wounds that have been inflicted by abandonment, rejection, and the various abuses of this world… and You see how these seeds grow into big roots that tunnel their way into our will, mind, and emotions. Deliver us from evil and uproot all these hidden seeds. Purify our hearts, minds, and entire souls there these seeds of brokenness will not longer be embedded and all triggers of brokenness will be gone from our lives. Help us to fulfill the calling that You have place in each of our lives… in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

19 thoughts on “Seeds of Brokenness

  1. Maybe I forgot to weed. My blooms died years ago. There are no leaves….there are no roots…there is barely any soil….but like I say…it’s okay. I’ve become so used to it, I don’t look for flowers anymore.

    • I am still weeding for myself. These seeds go deep and unfortunately, unwanted plants grow in all our gardens… until all the seeds of brokenness are removed. But, we all have a choice on what we want to grow in our gardens.

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