Perseverance… The Word for the Day (Hebrews 12:1)

We all face obstacles…
but we all must realize.
In order to persevere…
We must keep our eyes on the prize.
So what is the prize…
that you strive to achieve?
Is it of this world…
or hard for most to even believe.

For this life is not easy…
with many abuses around…
But there is more that we can’t see…
so our perseverance must be found.
So what is the Key…
to persevere in this life.
Is it getting trapped in the current…
and caught in all the strife?

Well, what I have found…
in all my brokenness.
Was to keep my eyes on God…
and let Him lead me to wholeness.
For He is the Key…
to overcome this sphere.
And there is much more waiting for us…
as we continue to persevere.

© Secret Angel and The Abuse Expose’ with Secret Angel, 2013

25 thoughts on “Perseverance… The Word for the Day (Hebrews 12:1)

  1. You got to run for the prize
    Don’t look over your shoulder
    Gotta keep your eyes
    On the straight and narrow
    – Petra 🙂

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  11. Strangely enough, I have often found persevering down the path towards healing even more difficult than surviving the hardships themselves. Maybe it’s because in the middle of the fire we don’t have time to think or feel, but afterwards all the pain catches up with us. Maybe it’s because the road to healing takes so long that we despair of ever reaching our destination. Regardless, the encouragement that we need is to fix our eyes on Jesus and persevere. I’ve just recently written on this same theme, and plan to be posting it in the next week on messytheology. Keep up the good work!

    • Thank you so much and I really appreciate your comment. I look forward to reading your post. Yes, we must persevere through the hardships and pain. I totally agree with you that going through the process of healing seems more difficult than the hardship itself. These deep wounds to our spirits and souls take Divine Intervention to heal…and it’s all in God timing, not ours. We just need to keep our eyes on the Lord for total healing and restoration, persevering as we walk that path with Him as our Guide, our Comforter, our Redeemer… Thanks again and many blessings to you, Tiffany.

  12. We all have something to give and we all can encourage each other with who we are. The good, bad and horrible. All of it makes us either stronger or weaker. The difference between the two is how you perceive it and who stops to give you a hand of love that leads to the one above…God!

  13. Pingback: Perseverance… The Word for the Day (Hebrews 12:1) | justiceforkevinandjenveybaylis

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